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Blog Archive

The Importance of Regular Pap Tests Feb 13th, 2025

Around 4,000 women die from cervical cancer each year in the United States. Early cervical cancer typically has no symptoms, making regular screenings vital. Advanced cases may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, or pain after intercourse, but at this stage, treatment will be more invasive and may not succeed.  At...

4 Long-acting, Reversible Birth Control Options Jan 21st, 2025

If you’d like to have children someday but aren’t planning to just yet, long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) offers reliable, low-maintenance birth control. You benefit from effective contraception with maximum convenience, letting you focus on your life while maintaining control over your reproductive future. Long-acting reversible methods of birth control provide...

Don't Let Menopause Ruin Your Sex Life: Try MonaLisa Touch Dec 5th, 2024

Though every woman responds differently to the changes caused by menopause, painful intercourse is an issue that many experience. Medically referred to as dyspareunia, recurring pain before, during, or after sex can put a damper on what is often an enjoyable and fulfilling part of life. Not exclusively a symptom...